Monday, January 30, 2012

Misty Copeland, an African American ballerina

I love ballet and I think in another life I would have loved to have been a ballerina. In this life, I don't have the body nor the stamina. But there's an African American ballerina who has both. Her name is Misty Copeland.
Copeland was born in Kansas City, MO and raised in the San Pedro, CA . She is of African, German and Italian descent. Copeland is the youngest of Sylvia DelaCerna's four children from her first marriage.

Copeland is considered a prodigy who rose to stardom despite not starting ballet until the age of 13. By age 15, Copeland's mother and ballet teachers, who were serving as her custodial guardians, fought a custody battle over her. 

Meanwhile, Copeland, who was already an award-winning dancer, was fielding professional offers. The 1998 legal proceedings involved filings for emancipation by Copeland and restraining order by her mother. Both sides dropped legal proceedings, and Copeland moved home to begin studying under a new teacher who was a former ABT member.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Who" should go braless? or not

They lift us up. They bring us down. They were famously (but not really) burnt in protest -- and have often fanned the flames of controversy since. They can be humble or require insurance.

According to Redbook, the average woman owns 9 bras. But what about women who don't wear them?

Source: The Huffington Post

Friday, January 27, 2012

Stacy London to host new fashion TV show

One of my favorite fashion TV shows through the years has been TLC's "What Not to Wear".  Love the advice of Stacy London and her sidekick Clinton Kelly. I'm not sure if the season is in hiatus right now or not because I notice that Clinton has been on another daytime show on ABC called "The Chew" doing quickie audience makeovers.

Stacy London on the other hand, has a brand new venture. London will be  producing a new TLC show focused on helping plus-size women find knockout fashions.
According to Huffington Post: Just like "What Not to Wear," the show (and Stacy!) will give women advice on how to reconfigure their wardrobes and beauty choices to look their best, but on her new show, Stacy will give three customers advice per episode, instead of just one.
The show has been picked up but there is no start date as yet. Stay tuned.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Debbie Allen protege to produce dance documentary

Do you watch So You Think you can Dance? If so, you might remember one "fine" contestant from the show named Will. You might also recall that Debbie Allen took him under her wing.

Perhaps since he was on the show you haven't given Will another thought, but maybe you should.

Will has a new project called the Gldn Chld Project
Take a look!

The “GldnChld” Project will be a hybrid film, half documentary half dance for film that will follow the Emmy award winning performer, as he embarks on a paramount passion project over the course of 2012. Protege’ of world renowned pioneer Debbie Allen,

Click here for more info 

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Nigerian woman's love affair with the weave

I am always on the look out for articles about the relationship between black women in Africa and their natural hair.

Here's one from Nigeria.

Monica Mark in Lagos
Picture Source: The Guardian
Curls allowed? No, say Nigerian women, who give it to you straight
In a world of dramatically contrasting poverty and wealth, it's a rare common denominator: the one social status symbol of choice that cuts across Nigeria's vast class and culture groups is hair extensions. And the longer and straighter, the better.

They are so popular that few women in the buzzing commercial cities of Africa's most populous nation openly wear their hair in its natural, curly state. "We're never taught to look after our natural hair, and it's something you're supposed to learn as a child, the way you learn to tie your shoelaces," said Yemi Akinrinade, 28, who struggled to persuade her own hairstylist not to straighten her curls on her wedding day.
Source: Read the story

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sh*t white girls say - was it racist?

Franchesca has received some negative comments about her video, sh*t white girls say to black girls. Some are saying the video is "racist" Are you surprised?? I'm not. Of course I understand what she was saying as I have experienced just about every comment in the video (even though the video was made as a joke). Many white people don't like to hear the truth (guess they can't take a joke when the joke is on them). But, what else is new? The video below explains it all very well.

What do you think? Was the video racist? 

Awkward Black Girl Episode 3- Awkward Frienships

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I just discovered The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

I really pride myself on being current, but I have to admit this one got by me. Apparently there is a video series called ABG | The Misadventures of AWKWARD Black Girl, that has been circulating since sometime last year.  Nope, never heard of it. Never saw it posted on the blogs I follow or the articles I read. I only heard of it today... after the series had already concluded.  So I spent a little time researching and watching the 1st episodes.

I'll chalk up the oversight on this one, to my age.  I am a little older so I'm kind of past some of the awkward black girl stage, but some of it never leaves you and I remember it all quite clearly.

How about you?

Here's episode one, followed by a bit of background and some up close and personal talk from the creator of the series.

Below is some information from ABG's Kickstarter donation site where she raised a whopping $56,259. A-Mazing!

Why ABG exists:
"Television today has a very limited scope and range in its depictions of people of color. As a black woman, I don’t identify with and relate to most of the non-black characters I see on TV, much less characters of my own race. When I flip through the channels, it's disheartening. I don’t see myself or women like me being represented. I’m not a smooth, sexy, long-haired vixen; I’m not a large, sassy black woman; an angry Post Office employee. I’m an awkward black girl.
And I’m not alone."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

African bracelets

How do you like my new bracelets? Got them at Arts Africains in Emeryville. Wanted to add some more African bracelets to stack. These are perfect, lightweight, colorful and in expensive.

Luv them!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stereotypes of Black Women in America

How many of you ar familiar with Melissa Harris-Perry? 
If your answer is no, 
let me introduce you.

Melissa Harris-Perry is an insightful MSNBC host, professor of political science at Tulane  University and author of a new book called "Sister Citizen" which deconstructs stereotypes of African American women and considers the consequences of a white male-centered perspective on the American story. An below is the link to an interview with Melissa
Heres Melissa on Colbert

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Daisy Bates Story

Who is Daisy Bates?
PBS’s “Independent Lens” is gearing up for Black History Month by premiering a series of new documentaries shedding an interesting light on African American History.
The film first in the series, debuting Feb. 2, is “Daisy Bates: First Lady of Little Rock,. The documentary tells the story of filmmaker Sharon La Cruise’s seven-year journey to get to know civil rights activist Daisy Bates. Bates became a household name in 1957 when she fought for the right of nine black students to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, AK, but she became mostly forgotten after that.

coming to TV

Source: story link

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Keep Hope Alive - African American Leaders join with Occupy on MLK Day 2012

Occupy the Dream!
To honor Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthday, Occupy Wall Street is privileged to welcome African-American clergy as they join the movement to address economic inequality and social injustice.

Members of the African-American faith community have joined forces with Occupy Wall Street to launch a new campaign for economic justice inspired by the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. Faithful to its philosophical origin, the “Occupy the Dream” coalition has called for a  
National Day of Action
on Martin Luther King Day
  Monday, January 16, 2012
when they will “Occupy the Federal Reserve,” in multiple cities nationwide, focusing attention on the gross injustice visited upon the 99% by the financial elite. This will be the first of many actions leading up to a mass gathering in Washington D.C., to be held April 4 – 7, when millions will unite in celebration of the life and legacy of Dr King.

In support of this effort, has created this inspiring video:

SOURCE: and for more info Occupy the

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Look hip in your scarf - 25 ways - in under 5 minutes

Have you ever wished you could look more chic and hip in a scarf?
Are you good at tying a scarf?
How many ways do you wear your scarf?

Your answers await

If you have any desire to wear a better scarf, check out this video below.

25 EASY ways to tie a scarf in less than FIVE minutes!

Friday, January 13, 2012

NEW - Sh*t girls say, about NATURAL hair Video

It's here: we got our very own sh*t girls say video

Mean while our very own Chescaleigh made an appearance on cutie pie Anderson Cooper's show last night

BIg Time Chescaleigh!!

and here's the follow up

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Candace Kelley and Curl Prep

From journalist to entrepreneur to counselor, Candace Kelley is a woman of many hats. Black Star News observes that it’s her drive and hair that has inspired so many people.

So many women saw Kelley on TV and contacted her to inquire about her hair that she started Curl Prep Natural Hair Solutions to showcase her product that elongates natural hair. Kelley has been natural all her life except for two years, and has been making her homemade products back in the 80’s before the surge of natural hair products became available on the market. Although it started as simply an informational website, two Whole Foods stores in New Jersey are now carrying her products with two more stores expecting to debut her products soon.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What you sing about someone's hair could cost you

Article and photo from Madame Noire

Not only should artists watch what they say, they better watch what they sing. Sony Music’s Brazilian branch is paying out $1.2 million ($656,000 in American dollars) in retroactive compensation for a song Brazilian singer, comedian, and politician Francisco Everardo Oliveira Silva released in 1997. The song, “Veja os Cabelos Dela” (Look at Her Hair) has been deemed racist for it’s lyrics which call a black woman a “stinking beast” and liken her hair to “a scouring pad for pots and pans.”

part of the lyrics
Veja veja veja veja veja os cabelos dela (4x)

(Look look look look look at her hair (4x)

Parece bom-bril*, de ariá panela

(It looks like a scouring pad for pots and pans)

Parece bom-bril, de ariá panela

(It looks like a scouring pad for pots and pans)

Friday, January 6, 2012

TGIF - Sh*t White girls say to Black girls

Ok, I was cracking up watching Franchesca in this video.
So, I had to re post.
"Franchesca, I hear ya gurl!"
Have a good laugh!

Can you relate?
 I can and the situation was even worse "back in the day"

And....,today I posted a set y'all! Check out the other video

These are worth passing on.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chan luu - My new fave jewelry designer

If you know me at all, you know that I am always excited about something. Right now, it's my new favorite designer, Chan Luu. I discovered her bracelets by accident as I was preparing to do my very own bracelet video. I immediately loved her style and the earthiness of her materials. Her bracelets come in a multitude of colors. Chan Luu also makes scarves (and clothing). So far I am more into the scarves and bracelets.

I thought I would show you a video of Chan shopping for materials in New Delhi India (you'll also get a little taste of New Delhi).  Video is in previous post today.

UPDATE: I just purchased my first Chan Luu bracelet! Love it!

****Secret- only one the wrap bracelets above is a genuine Chan Luu - the others are impostors. Can you guess the real Chan Luu??? 
I will reveal in my Youtube video coming soon

Stay tuned for more Chan Luu and my new video channel launching in January.

Meet Chan Luu

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Losing Weight and Eating Right for 2012

Ok so you know how we all make those New Year's resolutions each year. Well mine is to eat healthier and also to lose a few pounds. I'm going to follow the Petite Advantage Diet  (if you are 5'4 and under this diet could be just what you have been looking for) I heard about it on a talk show last week (at the moment I can't recall which show but it was someone I trust) anyway, the book was just released on Dec 27th and I have not been able to buy it at the local bookstore. I guess I could order it on Amazon but sort of didn't feel like waiting (instant gratification and all)

Achieve That Long, Lean Look. The Specialized Plan for Women 5'4" and Under. 
Hardcover: January 2012; $25.99 
ISBN #9780062025456

Photo Source
The second thing is to really take a look at "what" I'm eating. We are killing ourselves with the food we eat. Many of the diseases so prevalent today are due to what we are eating.

Here's a video that was sent to me by a friend. If you are really serious about changing your eating habit and saving your life. Take a look.

Here's a viewer review:
Anderson's Eating DVD is a gift to humanity. This has changed my life forever! Do yourself a favor and buy 10 of these for your friends and family. You will learn the absolute truth about the power of eating the right food. You will know with confidence that you are doing the right thing. Learn the secrets to improved health. Learn that it's never too late to start eating right.


What's your New Year's resolution?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Update on Jamaican Castor Oil for hair growth

I posted the original video earlier, here's the link. I watched the update today and decided to buy a bottle for myself.  I also decided to buy a bottle for my daughter as she has a more severe hairline problem,  When I get mine I will show you my hair and my daughter's (if I can get her to agree) and will document our progress. I bought mine from Amazon with the link that Fanchesca furnished.
Here it is if you want to get your own.
Click here to purchase Jamaican Black Castor Oil via
It's only $9.99 so  I figure I don't have much to lose by buying a bottle.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! 2012

Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
-- Steve Jobs, US computer engineer & industrialist (1955 - 2011)