Wednesday, September 19, 2012

You can look good in pictures! - Here's how

I feel kind of funny writing about this, because the truth is, I am NOT very photogenic, however people seem to think I am. They tell me this all the time.  So I decided to share some tips for taking a good picture.

Below is a typical photo session for me. I have found that nobody takes a better picture of me...than me! I keep my tripod and camera set up and ready to go. I also bought a cheap shoji screen to use as a backdrop. It hides the kitchen appliances which used to show up in the background of all my photos.

When I feel like taking a picture. I  just move the tripod out, set the camera timer and start snapping away. Using the self timer also helps me feel less self conscious. I am free to experiment with all types of poses AND, I don't have to settle for just any ole picture (because you know if someone else is taking the picture, you will start to feel vain, if you ask them to keep taking picture after picture. Eventually you will probably just say "Ok", even if you hate the picture)

I hope these tips will help you if you've had problems taking a good photo.
  • Figure out WHY you don't look good in pictures: This might sound silly, but it really works.  Study the differences in the pictures where you look good and those where you don't.  Then take a lot of pictures of yourself until you get more good ones than bad ones. 
  • Look at many types of hairstyles to see which one suits you the best: If you have a wide face, try wearing your hair down. This will make your face look smaller and more proportional. On the other hand, if you have a small face, wear your hair up and out of your face. Bangs can make a high forehead appear smaller. I usually pull my hair over my left shoulder (as opposed to letting it hang down my back) unless I am wearing a headwrap or hat. 
  • Keep your arms by your side, but not glued there: This is where I break the rule. I always cross my arms, usually in front of me (it helps to hide any figure flaws) Experiment with what works best for you.

  • Practice that classic model pose: When you face forward, your body tends to look wider, so turn your body three-quarters of the way toward the camera, with one foot in front of the other and one shoulder closer to the photographer.  You'll rarely see me in a photo where I am being photographed head on.
  • Look good and prepare before taking pictures. Get out your favorite clothes. The ones that look really good on you. I love to take pictures in new outfits. Solid colored shirts are always a good choice. Select colors that look best on your skin tone. Stay away from crazy prints as they will draw attention away from your face. Also, choose your outfit wisely - some outfits will make certain parts of your body look disproportional (I'm sure you get my drift). Photos also exaggerate everything, so go easy on makeup. Use concealer, powder your shiny spots, and check your teeth!
  • Practice in front of a mirror or a camera. During this time, decide what positions you look best in, and the way you want to smile, etc.  For me, the trick to having a good picture, is to take tons of them. Chances are, you're going to look half way decent in at least one of them! Don't get discouraged just keep snapping away. Eventually you'll figure out the best pose and you can instantly go to it. That way, when the camera comes out at a party, you'll look flawless!

  • Focus your eyes just slightly above the camera lens, move your face forward a bit, and tip down your chin. This may be a little awkward at first, but with some practice you'll get better.
  • Put your tongue behind your teeth and smile, which will relax your face. Start your smile with your eyes (smize), then move it down to your mouth. If you are doing video, another tip is to “crack yourself up” just before the video camera starts. It produces a relaxed and happy appearance, even if I you're nervous.
  • To feel at ease, try closing your eyes, then opening them slowly just before the photo is taken.
  • Remember, the best energy comes from the heart. Think of things that make you happiest, and you’re sure to have a twinkle in your eye for that photo, no matter how you are standing or what you have on!

Feel confident. sometimes even though you look great in a photo, you won't think so if you have analytical/self criticizing.

Have fun and don't forget to Smile! A nice smile will work perfectly every time!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A look at Locs after 12 years - two friends compare

A friend of mine and I compared our locs the other day. She has traditional locs and I have Sisterlocks. Both started at the same time, about 12 years ago.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Creator of Unwritten Rules makes appearance on Celebrity Ghost Stories

Creator of the Unwritten Rules (Aasha Davis)  makes an appearance on Celebrity Ghost Stories Saturday which airs at 9PM ET, viewers will see how Davis "has a magical time with a new friend, and later finds out her new friend is actually a spirit of a deceased young girl."

Check out the below clip from Davis' story:


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The truth about trendy nail colors

In a previous post I talked about the fact that our hands are one of the tell-tale signs of aging. Along with thinning skin, which shows our tendons and veins, our nails also become soft and brittle.
As we all know, long acrylic nails continue to be quite popular. Recently we’ve been introduced to a new array of nail colors. These new, bright colors are in shades of navy, green, aqua, orange, yellow and every color in between.
According to Charla Krupp (author of "How Not to Look Old") nothing ages you like “red nail polish, fake nails, dragon-lady nails, ridged nails, discolored nails, age spots on your hands, veiny hands and bony hands,”
Charla is a supporter of wearing natural nails and not acrylics. She is not a believer in red nail polish/red lipstick or long nails, instead suggesting that women over 50 opt for shorter manicured nails painted in shades of neutral polish.
I take a rather contrary approach to the subject. I don’t believe in painting all women over 50 with the same brush. While I do believe that very long fake fingernails can be unattractive, I believe they can be just as unattractive on women of any age.

I think that red lipstick as well as red nail polish are just fine for women of any age. You just have to have the style to pull it off.  If you love it, Wear it and don’t apologize. I don’t!

As for the newer brighter fashion colors (especially adding designs), I am on the fence. I am getting used to seeing them and I’m actually beginning to like some of them. For me, and for the kind of work I do (corporate) I don't think that navy blue and green nail polish would be appropriate, however, I just bought about 4 new colors and plan to sport them on my toes. 

What do you think?

Check out the colors for summer (sorry could not locate the fall/winter colors)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bottles and Bangles - A Simple project to reorganize your jewelry

Ever wonder what to do with all those bracelets you have? Well, I for one, have a TON of them and I stored them in one of my closets in pretty boxes but....I really can't see them without dragging the boxes out and dumping them out. (who has time for all that when you're rushing off to work?)

I saw an idea on Facebook where beer or water bottles were used to stack bracelets and I thought that seemed like a good idea so I decided to improvise a little and to use some of the pretty bottles I had stored away in a cabinet to make my bracelet stacker.

Now I have them right in front of me to use and also to enjoy looking at.

Here was my inspiration for the project

I started with my own bottles

Here's my finished product