Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The truth about trendy nail colors

In a previous post I talked about the fact that our hands are one of the tell-tale signs of aging. Along with thinning skin, which shows our tendons and veins, our nails also become soft and brittle.
As we all know, long acrylic nails continue to be quite popular. Recently we’ve been introduced to a new array of nail colors. These new, bright colors are in shades of navy, green, aqua, orange, yellow and every color in between.
According to Charla Krupp (author of "How Not to Look Old") nothing ages you like “red nail polish, fake nails, dragon-lady nails, ridged nails, discolored nails, age spots on your hands, veiny hands and bony hands,”
Charla is a supporter of wearing natural nails and not acrylics. She is not a believer in red nail polish/red lipstick or long nails, instead suggesting that women over 50 opt for shorter manicured nails painted in shades of neutral polish.
I take a rather contrary approach to the subject. I don’t believe in painting all women over 50 with the same brush. While I do believe that very long fake fingernails can be unattractive, I believe they can be just as unattractive on women of any age.

I think that red lipstick as well as red nail polish are just fine for women of any age. You just have to have the style to pull it off.  If you love it, Wear it and don’t apologize. I don’t!

As for the newer brighter fashion colors (especially adding designs), I am on the fence. I am getting used to seeing them and I’m actually beginning to like some of them. For me, and for the kind of work I do (corporate) I don't think that navy blue and green nail polish would be appropriate, however, I just bought about 4 new colors and plan to sport them on my toes. 

What do you think?

Check out the colors for summer (sorry could not locate the fall/winter colors)

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